Cubesats launch and IDs

TLE の解釈に変化があるようです。

[amsat-bb] Cubesats launch and IDs
From: Nico Janssen hamsat at
Fri Jan 20 15:03:03 UTC 2017

Last Monday 2017-01-16 six cubesats were launched from the Japanese
Kibo module of the ISS, using the J-SSOD cubesat deployer.

ITF-2, Waseda-sat3 and Freedom were deployed at 09:10 UTC. EGG was
deployed at 09:20 UTC. AOBA-Velox3 was deployed at 10:40 UTC.
TUPOD was deployed at 10:50 UTC.

The JSpOC published the first TLE sets two days after the launch and
assigned preliminary IDs to the new cubesats. Detailed doppler
measurements show that some of these IDs are not correct:

    TUPOD       is object 41931, 1998-067KT
    ITF-2       is object 41932, 1998-067KU
    AOBA-Velox3 is object 41935, 1998-067KX
    Tancredo-1  is object 41936, 1998-067KY

Around 23:30 UTC on 2017-01-19 the first ever Tubesats were deployed into
orbit from the cubesat TUPOD, i.e.  Tancredo-1 (Brazil) and OSNSAT (USA).
Tancredo-1 is still close to TUPOD, so for the time being TUPOD's TLE set
can be used to track this Tubesat.



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