(DK3WN Blog) On 20 Jun 2018, Tanusha-3 will be connected to one of the ARISS Service Module antennas and will transmit from 0730-1200UTC on 437.050MHz. These FM transmissions will include greetings from students in several languages, including Russian, English, Spanish and Chinese. The ARISS-Russia team plan to also retransmit these signals on the standard ARISS 2-meter downlink, 145.800MHz using the JVC Kenwood D700 radio that is still on-board ISS. All are invited to listen to the CubeSats from ISS on 437.050 and/or 145.800MHz. (JE1CVL wrote) Tunusha-3(437.050MHz FM)⇒ ISS(受信:437.050MHz FM)内蔵レピーター ⇒ ISS送信(145.800MHz FM)⇒ 地上アマチュア局受信(145.800MHz FM) 地上局は 437.050MHzと145.800MHz 両方が受信出来る。しかし ISSのレピーター が稼働しているので、ISSレピーターへ 437.050MHz FM でのアップも可能だった、 ということだと思われます。(18 Aug 2018)